Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today we did some more presentations! I decided to be brave and do mine! I hope everyone enjoyed mine. It was on the ancient Greek army and two battles. After I went Caitlin decided to go . She did Greek Drama. I loved the video she did with Sarah Carson. Clarke Rich went last today. Her's was on Alexander the Great!

I'd give myself a 96% because I was a little boring. I had a lot of information, but didn't explain that well.
Questions for Mine: 
1. Who fought Alexander the battle of Issus and Gaugamela?
- Darius lll
2. What were the Greek soldiers called?
- Hoplites
3. What formation did the men fight in?
- Phalanx

I gave Caitlin a 100/100 because she had the best video. It was so funny. I laughed so hard!
Questions for Caitlin:
1. Who was the first poet to ever use actors?
- Thespis
2. Were Greek actors males or females?
3. How many parts did the play have?
- 3

Clarke Rich: Alexanders Conquest 97/100. She had a lot of good information, but she just read off of the slides.
1. King of Macedonia?
- Alexander the Great
2. When was Alexander born?
- 356 in the Capital of Macedonia
3. What did Alexander have to do when he was 16?
- His dad left him to rule Macedonia while he was gone.
4. Who tutored him?
- Aristotle
5.  Alexander took full power
- 336 B.C
6. When did he die?
- In 323 B.C when he was only about 33 years old.

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