Monday, April 18, 2011

Test Wed. :(

Today in class we went over whats going to be on our test Wed. I'm really nervous for our test because I never know what to study. 

  •  25 - 33 Questions
  • 1 essay
  • What happen in 776 B.C - Olympics began
  • Which was not an event - chariot racing, long jump, javelin, boxing, discus, wrestling (THEY ARE) ? 
  • Phalanx: battle formation where they interlocked shields
  • Hoplite: Greek soldiers
  • Greeks fought persians the most
  • Greeks against Persians? Battle of Marathon, Thermopaly, Guagamela, Issus, 
  • Peloponnese was not against Persians
  • Hidaspints was with Greeks and India
  • Why did it begin Peloponnese: Sparta was afraid Athens was to powerful
  • Athens and Sparta = Peloponnese War . Sparta won
  • Athens had the Navy and there was a wall but attack from the sea
  • Sparta was good at fighting on land
  • 429 B.C pericles died
  • 508 B.C People rose up against their rulers when Isagoroius was in charge. People rose up in Athens.
  • Sparta took kids away at 7 years old to train
  • Spartan army was their strength, they were land fighters
  • Homer: the blind poet who told the stories of Illaid & Odysseus 
  • Odysseus was about Odyssey a war hero from the Trojan war
  • Illaid was the story of the Trojan war
  • What were the 3 types of columns?  Doric, Ionic, Corinthian 
  • Parthenon: Kinds of columns Doric, Age it was built in Golden age (Pericles) 
  • Pericles had 3 goals: Glorify Athens, Liked the gov. (strengthen democracy), Expand empire (take over lands)
  • Agora: where they had votes and talks 
  • What was pottery used for: storage, contains
  • Where were most pottery found: back places, not a highly respected job
  • Who was Euclid: geometry 
  • Archamedies: pully system and water displacment
  • Philsophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
  • Who tutored Alexander: Aristotle 
  • Plato wrote the apology: Socrates on trial
  • Socrates was charged for dissing the God and corrupting the youth of Athens: GULTY.. DEATH by drinking poison
  • Socrates: "The unexamined life is not worth living"
  • Plato's Caven !!!!

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