Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today has been suck a crazy day. There have been tornado warnings and flood warnings all day. I was pretty scared because at one point we had to all sit in the hall. Now, it seems like everything is alright. So we started off class be Mr.Schick telling us was have a pop quiz. Before starting that he showed us pictures from when he was a kid. In second grade he experienced a massive tornado. It took out his school and people he knew. Then we took the test and I'm pretty sure that I failed the pop quiz :( I did the work, but I forgot everything :( I got a lot of them wrong.. Hopefully it doesn't bring my grade down too too much. Then we talked after we checked the answers. We talked about the 12 laws that they made. We talked deeper about all the questions Mr.Schick asked on the pop quiz. The plebeians could refuse to be in the army to get rights.

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