Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lax Instead Of Class

Today I missed class again! I had a lacrosse game away at Spalding so thats why. I hope that I didn't miss anything. I don't want to be behind. On the bright side the team did very well! We won by a lot. We need to win our next few games that we will be #2. We are currently #3. Anyways, I'm sure class was fun today! I'll be there for class tomorrow! Hope I can get all caught up. My homework is below..
  • Republic- A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in their leasers 
  • Gravitas- weightiness or seriousness. Discipline, strength, loyalty. 
  • Century- A legion that was divided into 60 smaller groups
  • Patrician- specially privileged families that were like high society in Rome
  • Pater families- the eldest man of the family who had complete power over his family
  • Toga- an uncomfortable garment that Romans would wear
  • Plebeiancommon farmers, artisans, and merchants that had many rights, but they were far less powerful than the patricians.
  • Legion- a massive military unit of 4,000 - 6,000 people. 
  • Italy-The peninsula that hold Rome in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea
  • Rome- Named after Remus  from the triumphant and murderous brother
  • Romulus-One of the twins, parented by the god Mars, and Rhea Silvia. Him and his brother Remus were put in a basket to float down the Tiber River in hopes that they would drown but miraculously survived by a she wolf. The decided to build a city near the spot they had been abandoned. Each brother took a hill top to claim leadership. In anger Romulus killed remus. Romulus died in a thunder storm. 
  • Palatine Hill- The hill that Romulus chose to be the center of Rome
  • Alps-Mountains the seperated Rome and Italy from the rest of Europe
  • Tiber River-The river that the jealous Latin King set Romulus and Remus down to kill them
  • Apennines-a mountain range extending across the length of the entire peninsula from NW to SW
  • Latins-wandered walked across the Alps in 1000 B.C. and settled on either side of the Tiber River 
  • Etruscans- Third group of wanderers that settled in Northern Italy between 1200 B.C. and 800 B.C. Very civilized. 
  • Forum- The heart of Roman political life
     1. How did geography help Rome?
- Rome is located in Italy in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Since Rome is located on a peninsula there is water around. It made it easier to travel and trade with other countries. Also, they were protected from many invaders. They were "in the middle of the world".

   2.  Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development?
a) Latins:  Around 1000 B.C they entered into Italy. They happened to settle on either side of the Tiber River. They were the first to settle.
b) Greeks: Between 750-600 B.C the Greeks established about 50 colonies on the southern coast of Italy and Sicily. The Latins called it Magna Graecia or Greater Greece. They were the traders and the sailers. 
c) Etruscans: Between 1200 and 800 B.C they entered into northern Italy. They were much more civilized than the Latins. They had a writing system. The Latin settlers were strongly influenced and adopted the Etruscan alphabet. They also helped to develop Roman's trade.    

  3.  What were the values of early Roman society?
- The Roman's were strongly influenced by a group of values called "the ways of the father". They emphasized on discipline, strength, and loyalty. A person with those values was called a gravitas. 

 4.  a) How was the Roman household organized?  
- The power to rule early Roman households belonged only to the oldest male known as pater familias or "father of the family". He had complete control of the family and their property. He could sell his family into slavery or kill them, but they were usually just a protector. 
b) What freedoms did women have in the family and in society?
 The women had to run and be in charge of the daily household. They had much more freedom than those in Athens. She was a citizen with the right to testify in court or own property.She would often advise her husband on business and politics. However, she did not had the right to vote. 

 5How was the army linked to Roman Society?
- All the male had to serve in the army. They could not hold public office until they served at least 10 years as a soldier. They were part of a massive military unit called a legion made up of 4,000 - 6,000 armed males. The Roman legion proved superior to the Greek phalanx because it was more flexible. 


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