Thursday, April 14, 2011

Movie On Alexander

Today in class we watched on movie on Alexander. Mr.Schick told us that we will be reviewing a lot and having a test next Wed. on Greece. We than went on to watch the movie.
Alexander was a key man in ancient Greece. He had a mother named Olympus and his father was Philip ll. He didn't care for Alexander. Who was tutored by Aristotle. He was mostly taught about how great Greece was and how great it was going to be again. When Alexander was 16 he was made a captain of the army. When he was 20 his father was assassinated. He had to take over control of Macedonia. The people start to rebel, but he takes the people down. Philip was married to Olympia, but he had mistresses. ALexander never loses a battle in his life time. He wanted to make his father proud.

  • Alexander asked his father Philip ll to buy him a horse named Bucepehalus = Ox Head
  • Philip refused to buy him the horse unless Alexander could control him and ride him
  • Alexander was able to control the horse 
  • Olympus was saying Philip is not his father, but that Achilles (Goddess)
  • Battle of Gaugamela: 40,000 vs 250, 000 men
  • It was like a 6 to 1 battle for Alexander against Darius (Persians)
  • They would kill a bull before each battle ti see what the outcome would be
  • They were in the Phalanx formation 
  • They were fighting for the Freedom and glory of Greece 
  • Alexander broke through all the people and was close to Darius
  • Darius took off on horse and took out some of his people on the way out

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