Friday, April 29, 2011

I Love This Class :)

Today, we started off class with jokes. It was so funny. Mr.Schick did this really funny voice. He also told us what our class averaged on the quizzes. Our class averaged a 90% on them. We joked about sneezing too! I just love this class in the morning because I always laugh. We got to retake our quiz! I was glad. I think I got a good grade on this one. After the quiz Mr.Schick said he had an idea and left the room. He said he would be coming right back. He put on a hoody and did a rap called "Rome". I've never laughed so hard. It was so good! He was called Chi Cago! For our work we had to look up some pictures that will go with his rap. He's going to make a video!

Julius Caesar getting stabbed 

Julius C again stabbed
Hannibal's elephant riding Cartheginian army attacking Roman troops at the battle of Zama during the 2nd Punic War in which Roman general Scipio (Scipio Africanus) crushed the Cartheginians.
Hannibal riding on elephant back
The Gauls


Mark Antony

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today has been suck a crazy day. There have been tornado warnings and flood warnings all day. I was pretty scared because at one point we had to all sit in the hall. Now, it seems like everything is alright. So we started off class be Mr.Schick telling us was have a pop quiz. Before starting that he showed us pictures from when he was a kid. In second grade he experienced a massive tornado. It took out his school and people he knew. Then we took the test and I'm pretty sure that I failed the pop quiz :( I did the work, but I forgot everything :( I got a lot of them wrong.. Hopefully it doesn't bring my grade down too too much. Then we talked after we checked the answers. We talked about the 12 laws that they made. We talked deeper about all the questions Mr.Schick asked on the pop quiz. The plebeians could refuse to be in the army to get rights.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Work From Last Night & MORE QUESTIONS

Today in class Mr.Schick wasn't there in the beginning. I could tell he wasn't really in a good mood or feeling good. He asked everyone who did their homework and some didn't. We went over all the answers in class. We worked together to come up with all the answers. Mr. Schick told us what Mr. Wojo's idea of a uniform was. It was funny. He thinks we should wear a jump suit! He also showed us a flag. It helped us remember the story of the two twin brothers that were fed by wolves. We had a pop quiz in class. It was easy so it was okay. We have more homework tonight...
  • A Republic when the people can chose there own leader. 
  • A Democracy is when all citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives
  • U.S is a Republic
  • The Father's had complete control of the family; could even kill them
  • Patrician people were highly ranked
  • Legion was a massive military unit made of 4,000 - 6,000 people
  • The women had much more power than those in Athens; but couldn't vote
  • All men had to join the army 
  • Consul: The two officials of Rome instead of a king
  • Veto: Overrule; "I forbid" 
  • Senate: aristocratic branch of Rome's government
  • Assembly: The democratic side of Roman government 
  • Dictator: A leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army
  • Mercenaries: Soldiers who fight in any country's army for pay
  • SPQR: the letters on the Roman coins meaning Senatus Populusque Romanus- the senate and the Roman people
  • Twelve Tables: 12 laws that established the idea that all free citizens had a right to the protection of the law; helped to settle the conflict between patricians and plebeians 
  • Cincinnatus: The Roman ideal of a dictator is shown in this STORY- In 458 B.C, when Rome's armies were in peril, the senate named Cincinnatus dictator. He was plowing his four-acre farm when messengers brought him the news. He left his plow, defeated Rome's enemies, and stepped down as dictator in 15 days. He then returned to his farm to plow. 
  • Gauls: a people from the Po River Valley, north of the Apennines; they sacked Rome leaving it in ruins
  • Pyrrhus: A king in western Greece
  • Carthage: The former Phoenician colony; near the midpoint of the Mediterranean Sea; had a huge navy of 500 ships and trade made them a very wealthy city 
  • Monarchy: government by king
  • Aristocracy: government by nobles
  • Democracy: government by the people
1. (a) Why were many plebeians dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic?
- In 509 B.C the Roman's drove out their Kings and patricians controlled Rome's government now. Plebeians were barred by law from holding most important positions in government -- commanding armies, serving as high priest, or holding high offices
(b) How did they win reforms?
- Eventually the plebeians won a greater share of political power. Between 494 and 287 B.C, thousands of plebeians refused to fight in the Roman army unless patricians agreed to certain reforms. 
(c) What changes did they bring about in Roman government?
The plebeians gained higher political positions and more favorable laws. Marriage between the two groups was allowed and enslavement by debt was ended. They created a written law code called Twelve Tables.
2. Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced government?
- They meant that their government was partly a monarchy, partly an aristocracy, and partly a democracy. They believed this gave them the best features of all kinds of governments.  

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people?
- Different parts of the conquered territory were subjected to different laws and treatment from Rome. 

4. (a) At the start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared stronger power?
- Carthage had a population of 250,000 which was 3 times the size of Rome. They had a huge navy of 500 ships. Overseas trade made it a very wealthy city.  
(b) Why was Rome, in fact, the victor?
- They had 3 great advantages. First, Rome could draw on a reserve of more than 500,000 troops made available through its conquests in Italy. Second, Rome's citizen troops were generally more loyal and reliable than the mercenaries employed by Carthage. Third, warfare was Roman specialty.  

5. Why was the Battle of Zama a major turning point in history?
- If Hannibal had been the victor, Carthage and not Rome would have become the greatest empire in the world. Since Rome was victorious, it was Rome that passed on its laws, its government, and its culture to Western Civilization. 

6. Why did the Greeks at first welcome Roman armies?
- At first Roman armies marching into Macedon looked like protectors of Greek freedom. The Greeks rejoiced when, in 197 B.C, the Roman's freed them from the rule of Philip V of Macedon.  
(b) Why did the Greek attitude change?
Once settled in Greece, however, the Romans interfered in Greek politics, crashing all opposition to rulers favored by Rome. As time passed, the exercise of Roman power in the east became increasingly ruthless. A few Greek city-states tried to free themselves from Rome's tightened grip, but failed. Rome singled out Corinth for an example.   

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lax Instead Of Class

Today I missed class again! I had a lacrosse game away at Spalding so thats why. I hope that I didn't miss anything. I don't want to be behind. On the bright side the team did very well! We won by a lot. We need to win our next few games that we will be #2. We are currently #3. Anyways, I'm sure class was fun today! I'll be there for class tomorrow! Hope I can get all caught up. My homework is below..
  • Republic- A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in their leasers 
  • Gravitas- weightiness or seriousness. Discipline, strength, loyalty. 
  • Century- A legion that was divided into 60 smaller groups
  • Patrician- specially privileged families that were like high society in Rome
  • Pater families- the eldest man of the family who had complete power over his family
  • Toga- an uncomfortable garment that Romans would wear
  • Plebeiancommon farmers, artisans, and merchants that had many rights, but they were far less powerful than the patricians.
  • Legion- a massive military unit of 4,000 - 6,000 people. 
  • Italy-The peninsula that hold Rome in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea
  • Rome- Named after Remus  from the triumphant and murderous brother
  • Romulus-One of the twins, parented by the god Mars, and Rhea Silvia. Him and his brother Remus were put in a basket to float down the Tiber River in hopes that they would drown but miraculously survived by a she wolf. The decided to build a city near the spot they had been abandoned. Each brother took a hill top to claim leadership. In anger Romulus killed remus. Romulus died in a thunder storm. 
  • Palatine Hill- The hill that Romulus chose to be the center of Rome
  • Alps-Mountains the seperated Rome and Italy from the rest of Europe
  • Tiber River-The river that the jealous Latin King set Romulus and Remus down to kill them
  • Apennines-a mountain range extending across the length of the entire peninsula from NW to SW
  • Latins-wandered walked across the Alps in 1000 B.C. and settled on either side of the Tiber River 
  • Etruscans- Third group of wanderers that settled in Northern Italy between 1200 B.C. and 800 B.C. Very civilized. 
  • Forum- The heart of Roman political life
     1. How did geography help Rome?
- Rome is located in Italy in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Since Rome is located on a peninsula there is water around. It made it easier to travel and trade with other countries. Also, they were protected from many invaders. They were "in the middle of the world".

   2.  Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development?
a) Latins:  Around 1000 B.C they entered into Italy. They happened to settle on either side of the Tiber River. They were the first to settle.
b) Greeks: Between 750-600 B.C the Greeks established about 50 colonies on the southern coast of Italy and Sicily. The Latins called it Magna Graecia or Greater Greece. They were the traders and the sailers. 
c) Etruscans: Between 1200 and 800 B.C they entered into northern Italy. They were much more civilized than the Latins. They had a writing system. The Latin settlers were strongly influenced and adopted the Etruscan alphabet. They also helped to develop Roman's trade.    

  3.  What were the values of early Roman society?
- The Roman's were strongly influenced by a group of values called "the ways of the father". They emphasized on discipline, strength, and loyalty. A person with those values was called a gravitas. 

 4.  a) How was the Roman household organized?  
- The power to rule early Roman households belonged only to the oldest male known as pater familias or "father of the family". He had complete control of the family and their property. He could sell his family into slavery or kill them, but they were usually just a protector. 
b) What freedoms did women have in the family and in society?
 The women had to run and be in charge of the daily household. They had much more freedom than those in Athens. She was a citizen with the right to testify in court or own property.She would often advise her husband on business and politics. However, she did not had the right to vote. 

 5How was the army linked to Roman Society?
- All the male had to serve in the army. They could not hold public office until they served at least 10 years as a soldier. They were part of a massive military unit called a legion made up of 4,000 - 6,000 armed males. The Roman legion proved superior to the Greek phalanx because it was more flexible. 


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

No Mr.Schick BUT A Test!?

Today in class we had a big test. We are finishing up what we learned about Ancient Greece. The test was on our PowerPoints and the other parts Mr.Schick taught us. It was fun to learn about and very interesting. It's crazy to think that the world used to be like that. Everything is so much different now compared to old times. Anyways, the test was kind of hard. There were about 30 questions and I know I didn't get them all right! The essay wasn't that hard. We didn't get to use our computers for anything so I was upset. Hopefully I didn't do to bad! I can't wait to see what I got!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


***  Socrates and the Trial
Socrates chared with not recognizing gods and corrupting the youth. He was guilty and his punishment was death. He had to drink poisoness Hemlock
"the unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates
*** Plato's Cave theory
In the allegory, Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All they can see is the wall of the cave. Behind them burns a fire. Between the fire and the prisoners there is a parapet, along which puppeteers can walk. The puppeteers, who are behind the prisoners, hold up puppets that cast shadows on the wall of the cave. The prisoners are unable to see these puppets, the real objects, that pass behind them. What the prisoners see and hear are shadows and echoes cast by objects that they do not see
Such prisoners would mistake appearance for reality. They would think the things they see on the wall (the shadows) were real; they would know nothing of the real causes of the shadows. Plato’s aim in the Republic is to describe what is necessary for us to achieve this reflective understanding. But even without it, it remains true that our very ability to think and to speak depends on the Forms. For the terms of the language we use get their meaning by “naming” the Forms that the objects we perceive participate in.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Test Wed. :(

Today in class we went over whats going to be on our test Wed. I'm really nervous for our test because I never know what to study. 

  •  25 - 33 Questions
  • 1 essay
  • What happen in 776 B.C - Olympics began
  • Which was not an event - chariot racing, long jump, javelin, boxing, discus, wrestling (THEY ARE) ? 
  • Phalanx: battle formation where they interlocked shields
  • Hoplite: Greek soldiers
  • Greeks fought persians the most
  • Greeks against Persians? Battle of Marathon, Thermopaly, Guagamela, Issus, 
  • Peloponnese was not against Persians
  • Hidaspints was with Greeks and India
  • Why did it begin Peloponnese: Sparta was afraid Athens was to powerful
  • Athens and Sparta = Peloponnese War . Sparta won
  • Athens had the Navy and there was a wall but attack from the sea
  • Sparta was good at fighting on land
  • 429 B.C pericles died
  • 508 B.C People rose up against their rulers when Isagoroius was in charge. People rose up in Athens.
  • Sparta took kids away at 7 years old to train
  • Spartan army was their strength, they were land fighters
  • Homer: the blind poet who told the stories of Illaid & Odysseus 
  • Odysseus was about Odyssey a war hero from the Trojan war
  • Illaid was the story of the Trojan war
  • What were the 3 types of columns?  Doric, Ionic, Corinthian 
  • Parthenon: Kinds of columns Doric, Age it was built in Golden age (Pericles) 
  • Pericles had 3 goals: Glorify Athens, Liked the gov. (strengthen democracy), Expand empire (take over lands)
  • Agora: where they had votes and talks 
  • What was pottery used for: storage, contains
  • Where were most pottery found: back places, not a highly respected job
  • Who was Euclid: geometry 
  • Archamedies: pully system and water displacment
  • Philsophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
  • Who tutored Alexander: Aristotle 
  • Plato wrote the apology: Socrates on trial
  • Socrates was charged for dissing the God and corrupting the youth of Athens: GULTY.. DEATH by drinking poison
  • Socrates: "The unexamined life is not worth living"
  • Plato's Caven !!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Prevent Genocide!

Today in class I was hopping that everyone would buy a shirt! I was hopping to get 10 points, but of course not everyone bought one. I hope it helps my grade a little! Anyways we continued watching the movie from yesterday. It was an epic movie and I liked it a lot. I'm glad we are watching more today in class!

  • Darius was a coward and retreated when Alexander was coming
  • Darius took out some of his own people on the way out 
  • Battle of Gaugamela was one of Alexanders first biggest battle
  • Alexander after winning was now the king of all
  • Darius's own people turned on him
  • 10 Cities were named after Alexander
  • He didn't like that Darius was left by his own men by a river to die
  • He was trying to hunt them down and punish Darius's men because they just left their own leader
  • Alexander wanted to continue, but the people just wanted to go home and see their children, wives, grandchildren, and all their loved ones before they go off again
  • Alexander said go home with your family and I will go off to Asia alone
  • He said he only asked them for one more month and he said they were cowards
  • Alexander wanted to go further than his father
  • Alexander went south and exicuted the ring leaders
  • Alexander was NO LONG loved by all the people
  • In India the ones they battled rode on elephants
  • Alexander won the bloodiest of all battles
  • He was injured, but the Indians retreated and so they won!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Movie On Alexander

Today in class we watched on movie on Alexander. Mr.Schick told us that we will be reviewing a lot and having a test next Wed. on Greece. We than went on to watch the movie.
Alexander was a key man in ancient Greece. He had a mother named Olympus and his father was Philip ll. He didn't care for Alexander. Who was tutored by Aristotle. He was mostly taught about how great Greece was and how great it was going to be again. When Alexander was 16 he was made a captain of the army. When he was 20 his father was assassinated. He had to take over control of Macedonia. The people start to rebel, but he takes the people down. Philip was married to Olympia, but he had mistresses. ALexander never loses a battle in his life time. He wanted to make his father proud.

  • Alexander asked his father Philip ll to buy him a horse named Bucepehalus = Ox Head
  • Philip refused to buy him the horse unless Alexander could control him and ride him
  • Alexander was able to control the horse 
  • Olympus was saying Philip is not his father, but that Achilles (Goddess)
  • Battle of Gaugamela: 40,000 vs 250, 000 men
  • It was like a 6 to 1 battle for Alexander against Darius (Persians)
  • They would kill a bull before each battle ti see what the outcome would be
  • They were in the Phalanx formation 
  • They were fighting for the Freedom and glory of Greece 
  • Alexander broke through all the people and was close to Darius
  • Darius took off on horse and took out some of his people on the way out

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Katie Cooper!

Today in class Katie Cooper was the last person to go. She had a PowerPoint on Greek Philosophers. It was a very interesting PowerPoint and had a lot of great information. She read off of the slides some, but it was still good! After that Mr. Schick explained the Cave Theory of Plato's. He also showed us a video on Plato's Cave Theory.

Katie Cooper: Greek Philosophers. I would give her a 97/100. Her PowerPoint was very neat and organized. She had a lot of information. At times she read off the slides, but she explain things well. She did a great job! She showed us an interesting video on Plato and his Cave theory.
1) How were the main Philosophers?
- Socrates, Aristotle, Plato
2) Who was the First major Philosopher of Western Civilization and wanted people to improve themselves?
- Socrates
3) What was the Cave theory and who discovered it?
First look into television and illusions of reality on the mind; Plato discovered it.
4) When was Aristotle born?
- 384 B.C

Monday, April 11, 2011

Emma, Andrew, Cole .. & CAKE !

Today we had to finish up the last few presentations. Emma went first and did the Ancient Olympics. I loved her video at the end it was so funny! Her presentation was also very neatly organized. Andrew went next and did Greek Architecture. He had a lot of great notes. He had a separate document that had so many notes. It was interesting and he explained well. He was very boring though. Cole Bauer went next and did the Peloponnesian War. He brought in a great cake! It was so good! He had a great PowerPoint as well.

Emma I.: The Olympics. I would give her a 94/100. It was pretty interesting, but she was a little boring. Her PowerPoint was nicely set up with intriguing pictures.
1) When did the Olympics begin and end?
- 776 B.C - 393 A.D
2) What would you get if you won the Olympics?
- Crown of olive leaves, statue at Olympia, and treated like a hero
3) How many events were within Pentathlon
- 5 events

Andrew Jeffy: Greek Architecture. I would give him a 90/100. It was interesting and boring at the same time. He wasn't very enthusiastic or fun, but he had great information.
1) What Greek Architectural places did they have?
- Parthenon, Temple of Athena, Acropolis.
2)  How many types of columns?
- 3 
3) What were the 3 columns?
- Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

Cole Bauer: Peloponnesian War. I would give him a 99/100. He had great information and his PowerPoint was very colorful. He explained the presentation great and made it fun. Also, he brought in an amazing cake! It looked like ancient Greece.
1) When was the war?
-April 4th 431 B.C
2) Who was it between?
- Athens and the Athenian Empire
3) How many stages did the war have?
- 3

Friday, April 8, 2011

Taylor, Billy, Sarah, Clarke, Catherine, Gracie, and Christy!

Today in class we continued our presentations. Taylor went first today and did her's on Homer. She acted out Homer and read a summary of the Odyssey. She had to shorten it because it is actually like 400 pages. She just picked out the key points. It was long and kind of boring. I had a hard time following what happened. After, Billy went and did his PowerPoint on the Hellenic Age. It was really short, but interesting. Sarah Carson did the Parthenon. She did a PowerPoint as well. It had good information, but she had to slow down some. Clarke Grube followed Sarah. He did advances in math and science. He had a lot of great information. In the beginning he read of the slides to much though. He started to explain more on his own towards the end. Catherine Angert went next. Her's was on Ancient Pottery. She had a lot of information and it was interesting. She had cool pictures and new what each was. She read of the PowerPoint a little too much though. In the beginning it was a little boring, but got better!  Gracie went and did her PowerPoint on poetry. She had a lot of cool and nice information! She just went way to fast and I couldn't get any information down! Christy Kim went and did a prezi. It was on the trial of Socrates.It was great! she had awesome pictures that she drew on her own! It was interesting and fun! I liked hers a lot.

Taylor O'Brien: Homer. I would give her a 90/100. It was kind of boring and hard to follow. I didn't really know what was happening. She just read off of the paper she had too.
1. Who was homer?
- a blind poet.
2. Did Homer have other stories he wrote?
3. How long was the actual Odyssey?

Billy Decker: I would give Billy a 80% He did well explain, but he only had 3 slides.. He needed more information and it would've been a lot better. I was interested in hearing more, but he had little info.
1. When did it start?
- 323 B.C
2. When did it end?
- 331 B.C
How long did it last?
- 200 years

Sarah Carson: I would give Sarah a 95% . She did the Parthenon. She had a lot of information and nice pictures. It was kind of to fast though. She needed to slow down and talk and explain more.
1. Who was the Parthenon dedicated too?
- Athena
2. When did the building process begin?
- 447 B.C
3. When was the Parthenon finished?
- 438 B.C

Clark Grube: I would give him a 90% . He did advances in math and science. He had great information and  a lot of it. He kind of read off of the slides too much. At the end he explained better, but it was a little short. It was pretty good though.
1. What was Pythagoras famous for?
- famous for A2 + B2 = C2 for a right triangle.
2. What did Archimedes discover?
- discovered the physical law of displacement.
3. What did Plato teach?
- taught about Astronomy.

Catherine Angert: I would give her a 92%. She did he PowerPoint on Pottery. She had a lot of information. She explain everything well and new what her pictures were. It was a little boring in the beginning, but it started to pick up. She read off of the slides some. I wish she explain things more off the top of her head. Over all it was very interesting and helped more learn some.
1. What was the pottery made of?
- Clay
2. What did they make from pottery?
- containers and things for storage.
3. What was Minyan Ware made on?
- potter's wheel which was faster and made it cheaper

Gracie: I would give her a 90%.  She did her PowerPoint on Great Poets and Poetry. She went way to fast. I couldn't get any information down. It was kind of interesting, but just way way way to fast.
1. What was Poetry used for?
- to teach lessons, rules, or record historical events
2. What were Plays?
- written poems that told happy or sad stories and were acted out for entertainment.
3. Who or what kind of people were poets?
- teachers, philosophers, soldiers, or members of the government.

Christy Kim: I would give her a 100%. She did her PowerPoint on the Trials of Socrates. She did an awesome prezi! She had really funny and good pictures that she drew! She is a really great drawler! It was fun and interesting. She didn't just read off of the screen.
1. When did the trial take place?
399 B.C in Athens
2. How long was the trail?
- 9 to 10 hour period
3. Where was the trial?
- in the peoples court: agora

  • He was a critic, but well respected.
  • He didn't want to get rich. 
  • It was a close vote.
  • No one thought he would be found guilty

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today we did some more presentations! I decided to be brave and do mine! I hope everyone enjoyed mine. It was on the ancient Greek army and two battles. After I went Caitlin decided to go . She did Greek Drama. I loved the video she did with Sarah Carson. Clarke Rich went last today. Her's was on Alexander the Great!

I'd give myself a 96% because I was a little boring. I had a lot of information, but didn't explain that well.
Questions for Mine: 
1. Who fought Alexander the battle of Issus and Gaugamela?
- Darius lll
2. What were the Greek soldiers called?
- Hoplites
3. What formation did the men fight in?
- Phalanx

I gave Caitlin a 100/100 because she had the best video. It was so funny. I laughed so hard!
Questions for Caitlin:
1. Who was the first poet to ever use actors?
- Thespis
2. Were Greek actors males or females?
3. How many parts did the play have?
- 3

Clarke Rich: Alexanders Conquest 97/100. She had a lot of good information, but she just read off of the slides.
1. King of Macedonia?
- Alexander the Great
2. When was Alexander born?
- 356 in the Capital of Macedonia
3. What did Alexander have to do when he was 16?
- His dad left him to rule Macedonia while he was gone.
4. Who tutored him?
- Aristotle
5.  Alexander took full power
- 336 B.C
6. When did he die?
- In 323 B.C when he was only about 33 years old.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today in class we did our projects. I missed the last class because I had a lacrosse game. I missed some of Kamaurs Sparta presentation. Instead he just started over. We had to think of questions and give them a grade.

 I'd give Kamau a 80/100. He had some good information. He needed to explain a little bit more stuff.

1) What age did the Spartan children go to training?
    - 6 or 7
2) What was the role of the woman?
  - took care of the house hold and did as they wanted
3) When did the Spartan men stop fighting?
- in there 50s or 60s

Fiona did the Peloponnese War! I'd give her a 93/100 She didn't have that much information. It was a short powerpoint.
Peloponnese War

1) How long was the war?
- 27 Years
2) In what year did the Peloponnesian war begin
- 431 B.C
3) What was the peace of Nicias
- treaty that ended the first half of the Peloponnese War

Monday, April 4, 2011

We're Back... & I Get To Miss Class!

So we are finally back from break. I honestly don't feel like coming back to school. I can't even wait for the summer. I'm tired of school! Over break we all had to work on our projects on Ancient Greece. If of us had something to do involving Greece. I had to do armies and two battles. I just did a PowerPoint. I wanted to do more, but I just didn't get to go it. I hope I get a good grade. But today I missed class because I had a lacrosse game. I got to leave at 1! I was so so so so happy! I hope I didn't miss to much in class. I don't want to be behind!