Friday, February 4, 2011


Febuary 4, 2011.
In class we started off and heard about Kamau's game. He took attendance and we continued watching Guns, Germs, and Steel. We talked about the domesticated animals. We went around and named the 14 animals.

Surplus- you have a lot of something like food.
Fertile Crescent- Georaphicly blessed, huge head start, lots of animals & food.
Plaster- made from limestone. Made at 1000 degrees. Used for homes.

    We have found that Zebra's can not be domesticated for a few reasons. Jarred Diamond Australia, Papa New Ginea had no animals native. North Africa, Europe, and Asia had 13 of the domestic animals. His basic idea is that if you don't have to spend all this time worrying about for the rest of your community can work at something else. They will progress faster. The people were very smart. They worked hard to make their homes. Villages began to grow and it helped to have more workers & more food. People developed new ideas and inventions. But places like New Guinea never advanced. Today  people in the Highlands are still working the way they did before. Why didn't they develop things like the others? The way of life their remained the same. The fertile crescent isn't as great anymore. Its climate was too dry and couldn't support intensive farming. They over exploited the environment and people were forced to move but again they were geographically lucky. They were centrally located and had pretty much the same weather and geographic tendencies. They weren't isolated, they were able to transform human society wherever they went. They went to Egypt and European's they started to get a lot of food. They could survive. The Europeans took their cattle to the Americas. If it weren't for the Europeans then America would be behind. Wherever you go you will find smart people. Some may just be at disadvantages. The New Guineans just didn't have what the others had, but today they are starting to grow. They are trying to catch up with the rest of the world. He could now answer the questions to Lani.  The answer was geography. It was all about the luck. They are beginning to progress.

Goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, Bactrian camels, Arabian camels, water buffalo, llamas, reindeer, yaks, mithans, and bali cattle.

But not zebras.

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