Thursday, February 3, 2011

The animals

Today in class we stated off getting some yummy cookies! I have been eating a lot lately so i shouln't eat the cookie, but I did anyways. One of the students in my class hasn't been here so we had to catch her up.

Wheat & Barely- Stored longer, nutritional, easy to grow, .
Surplus- Can store something in a granary. You have so much food and don't have to worry.
Fertile Crescent- place that had the best animals & food.

    Jarred Diamond is trying to show that the people in Papa New Ginea are just as smart as the others. Papa New Guinea is an island so they are very separated from other places. Other people couldn't help them out because they were isolated since they were an island. They were just geographically lucky. Out of 148 large plant eating mammals 14 are domesticated animals are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, 2 kinds of camels, water buffalo, lamas, reindeer, mithins, yack's, and bali cattle. Just 14 large domesticated animals and 10,000 years of domestication. Domestic animals must be able to get along with humans. They have to be at least 100 pounds they can provide a lot of meat and be powerful. There are 0 animals that are from New Guinea. They have to go look and find them. They have 0 native animals besides the lama. The middle east has 13 out of 14 of the animals. Again, it is geographic luck. It's not that their stupid they just get certain things because they don't have it on their island. Some civilizations are lucky & some just aren't lucky. The fertile crescent were geographically blessed. They had a huge had start because they had some of the best food and animals. 

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