Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Notes For Our Quiz

1). Where is the fertile crescent in Saudi Arabia in the middle east. They had good crops, they had cows, pigs, sheep, goats. The ones for meat, clothes, hides. They had wheat, barely. They were geographically lucky.
2). 14 domestic animalsGoats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, Bactrian camels, Arabian camels, water buffalo, llamas, reindeer, yaks, mithans, and bali cattle.
3). Jarred diamond- Professor at UCLA, birdwatcher, he studied anthropologist, a best selling author. 
4). Movie: Its based on a book he wrote called Guns, Germs, and Steel.   
5).  Sago: Makes you full, not much protein, doesn't store long (doesn't keep), it doesn't have the surplus you need. 
6). Crops Helped to Advance: Rices, Corn, Wheat, Barely, Sorgo (In Africa).
7).  Papua New GuineaPort Moresby. 
8). Papua New Guinea Location: Between the Coral Sea and South Pacific Ocean which is east of Indonesia
9:. Hunter GatherersGo gather food. Look for things that don't make you sick and tastes good. You might look for something to kill, trap, shoot. Once you ate everything in the area you move on to the next place. Everyone is pretty much on their own and have to go find their own food. The women usually look for food. Have to move a lot, don't have to to do anything but hunt and find food. They are nomadic. They don't have a home. 
10). Whats a Surplus: If you have a surplus of food you have more than enough food. You don't have to go and hunt you can spend time doing other things. You don't have to move, can feed your community. You can start to invent other things.They can Specialized Labors/ workers. They can advance their civilization. 
11). Specialized Labor: They invent, weeve, make plaster, do all they inventing and making. 
12). Geographic Luck Where you happen to be born helped people be better farms and have better crops than others. You have all the best animals, crops. You have a on going civilization. 
13). Help Civilation advance the most: Goats, Cows, and Sheep. 
14). Good domesticated plant: easy to store, nutritious, easy to plant, versital 
15) Good domesticated animal: Get along with humans, Over 100 lbs, tamed, want plant eaters (herbavorbs), social animals, be able to make it a leader of a herd, fertile (MAKE BABIES FAST) want them to have offspring every year, make milk, .
16). Cargo: materials goods that a person has. Things you have gathered and have. It's "STUFF"
17). Papua New Guinea: Most farms. 
18). Latitude: the same types of crops grow at the same latitude. They have the same time of day, heat, winter. So if you move somewhere with the same latitude you'll still prosper. 
19). First thing to get out of hunting and gathering- you have to become farms and create a surplus. You need to start growing crops. 
20). Village: Draa'. It was the first village in human history. They put all their crops there it was called the granary.

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