Thursday, February 24, 2011

Revolution In Cairo

   In Cairo, in a small office, there are people planning a revolution. They are called "The April 6th Youth Movement". They feel that Mubarak and his son shouldn't stand for presidential elections. They have a list of demands and a plan thought out. They have a national protest that is fueled by the internet. They have a leader who is a civil engine and compressively quite, but very tech savoy. He works on spreading information on Facebook and YouTube. He shows these beating and torture videos to the Egyptians. This shocked the people and they were awakened. The movement was formed back in 2008 during a planning for a textile worker strike on April 6th. They used Facebook to say the on April 6th all Egyptian workers are to go on strike. The page just became more and more popular. Many of the people there are unemployed. In a matter of weeks this group swelled to 70,000 or 80,000 people. On April 6, 2008 the day of the strike, the guards and police stroke back. The Egyptian police killed 4 protesters and about 400 others were taken to jail. They then tracked down the leader and beat him. The police wanted to find the password for the page, but all along there was no password which shows how much they don't know. He told them a fake password. He was the hero to all when he got back on the Facebook page. He was very angry about the treatment. He was the every man hero. There was a student movement lead by a man who worked and talked with the April 6th movement. This wasn't a revolution, but it was peaceful. They just wanted a peaceful revolt. Violences will back fire so they had to be nice. Then after a few years the leader back down. They all jumped on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and filled each other in. On January 25, a woman asked for the people to riot. It was police day. The police came in and killed 4 and injured 400. The police switched sides and came on the peoples side when Hosni Mubarak resigned. The people were so happy when he was brought down. The people are heading to go to the presidential palace. At April 6th the decided to give this the name of The Day of Rage. The internet got shut down... The continued to work though because they still have connections. The men were prepared and made homemade armer. The police were prepared too though. More and more people were coming though. The police couldn't block all the rodes. The people got down and prayed and everything stopped. Then everything went back to fighting, it was like a war zone. The people had to rely on rumors because there was no internet.

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