Thursday, February 10, 2011

Essay For Test

   In the movie Jarred Diamond was trying to understand why the white men had so much cargo and the people of Papua New Guinea had so little. He uncovered that it wasn’t because the New Guineans weren’t smart, but because they just didn’t have what the other places did. The people there had the sago tree and bananas. Food like those didn’t store long. The sago tree had little protein, made you full, didn’t store long, and it didn’t have the surplus you need. The New Guineans couldn’t advance in their civilization. Why didn’t they have what the other places had? They were smart and resourceful people. They worked hard to keep their people alive and they constantly had to move. What was the reason for them not to be advancing like the others?
                Jarred started to find that people in the Middle East or the fertile crescent had foods like rice’s, corn, wheat, and barely. They had domesticated animals that Papua New Guinea didn’t have. They had goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, Bactrian camels, Arabian camels, water buffalo, llamas, reindeer, yaks, mithans, and bali cattle. He realized it had to be something else than being smarter. It was geographic luck. Where they happened to be born helped them out. In the middle east people had good weather, crops, and animals. They weren’t separated from the rest of the world. They didn’t have to constantly move. They could focus on inventing things. If they did move it was okay because the latitude was the same. They people of Papua New Guinea had to use what they had. They didn’t know what was going on in other parts of the world. They didn’t have all the technology everywhere else had. They were left in the dust while the others processed forward.
       The people of Papua New Guinea are isolated so that also puts them behind. They couldn’t get help from other civilizations because they are far and closed away. They couldn’t get animals or crops from other places. The people no idea what the other places had. They lived as hunter-gatherers because that’s all they could do. They didn’t have to time make inventions. They had to spend each day looking for food. They had to make sure their village could survive. When they ran out of the food they needed they had to move. They need a surplus so they could advance. Everyone was pretty much on their own and had to go find their own food. The women usually looked for food. They were nomadic and they don't have a home. They were out of luck and the rest of the world advanced. 

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