Thursday, March 3, 2011

More On Egypt

Today in class i was a little late. I had to run and get my charger and use the restroom. Anyways, we continued with the prezi Mr. Schick made for us to study from. We collected notes and learned some new information. We shared some of the informations we found from yesterday. Katie told the class a lot of the information she found yesterday. We looked up what a lentil was. It looked like little bean things. Were learned about how rosetta stone got its name. It was interesting. We found that in a picture there was a cheetah. & Mr. Schick told Clark a cheetah joke it was so funny. Anyways, we saw the cheetah in the picture, but we don;t know why,
The notes I took are on yesterdays blog were continued. We also watched a video!


  • At the bottom, slaves and servants: helped the wealthy with the household and child raising. They were treated pretty nicely.
  • Next there are farms: Raise wheat, barely, lentils, onions- benefited from irrigation of the Nile. 
  • Then Artisans: carve statues and reliefs showing military battles and scenes in the afterlife.
  • Then Merchants: money/barter system was used. They might accept bags of grain for payment- later, coinage came about. Coinage is money. 
  • Then Scribes:kept records, told stories, wrote poetry, described anatomy, and medical treatments. They wrote in hieroglyphs (Symbols & Pictures) and in hieratic (alphabet). 
  • Then Soldiers: they used wooden weapons (bow & arrow, spears) w/ bronze tips and might ride chariots. 
  • Then Gov. Officials - Nobles, Priests: upper class, know as the "White kilt class"- priests, physicians, engineers. 
  • Lastly, Pharaohs: religious and political leader of the Egyptian people. They were like Kings and Queens. Highest ranking. The boss. Hold the titles: 'Lord of the Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple'. The chosen one
-> Pharaohs: 
  • As 'Lord of the Two Lands' the pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. He owned all land. 
  • Had fake beard things that showed their power. 
  • religious and political leader of the Egyptian people. 
  • They were like Kings and Queens. Highest ranking. The boss. 
  • Hold the titles: 'Lord of the Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple'. The chosen one
  • Hateshepsut was a woman who served as pharaoh. They thought she was pretty hott and wore the beard thing as well. It was a symbol of power
  • It was rare for a woman to be a pharaoh.
  • Cleopatra VII also served as pharaoh, but much later (51-30 B.C) 
-> Gods & Goddesses:
  • Look up on your own. 

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