Friday, March 18, 2011

Greece !

Today we started off class all fun! We were just joking around and talking. Then we got serious and started the video again.

  • Themistocles was blunt; He learned his leadership where they had the meetings
  • He began to build a bold and 
  • Trieme: Boat that had power and speed; It stacked many men on three levels.
  • They were expensive, narrow, and fast like a bullet
  • 480 B.C the Athenians struck silver
  • They wanted to divide the knew riches to themselves, but Themistocles wanted to spend the money on the boats
  • He wanted to use it to battle Egina 
  • He convinced the Athenians to build a huge army with 200 triemes 
  • 486 B.C Xerxes (Themistocles son) took over after he died
  • Xerxes began to build his army of 2 million men
  • 480 B.C the Persian army sent out for Greece
  • Xerxes was confident though and thought they could win this
  • Athenians were panicking when they got news
  • Oracle Delphi: it was where people came to ask questions
  • It was the source of answer; Just a place people went 
  • They asked what would happen and she said they wouldn't make it
  • Themistocles didn't listen though; he kept believing
  • "The wooden wall only should not fail"- Oracle
  • He had the people evacuate for the first time. 
  • Salamis is where Themistocles said to gather before battling
  • He wanted everyone to go into exile; leave everything they had
  • The Persians burned the temples and their meeting place
  • They could see the fire from Salamis and wondered if they could ever go home
  • Themistocles meet the other Greek leaders on the Island of Salamis 
  • The Persians had gathered an army 4 times the size of Athens
  • But Themistocles wanted to fight at see and he stuck to his guns
  • strait of Salamis was where he wanted to fight (between)
  • The Persians had lost 200 ships
  • It was a stunning victory for the Greeks
  • The game is over and the Greeks had won
  • He convinced Athens to build a navy, leave their homes, fight at sea, etc.
  • Themistocles ideas sounded crazy, but it worked
  • He put Athens in a position where they can make an empire of their own
  • Athens was out numbered 4 to 1 but they made the Persians suck
  • Persians had to hurry home 
  • Just a common guy did this;l it was a knew dawn
  • They were the had of the Navel confederace and on the way to a super power
  • Delian League: was an association of Greek city-states, members numbering between 150 to 173, under the leadership of Athens, whose purpose was to continue fighting the Persian Empire after the Greek victory in the Battle of Plataea at the end of the Greco–Persian Wars.
  • 450 B.C they had become Athens empire and had many men
  • The Greeks had everything and were moving along 
  • The still had democracy and used their pebbles
  • Once a year they would pick a person to be ostrosized 
  • They didn't want anyone to be to powerful; they would put someones name on a stone and who ever had the most votes was kicked out
  • Themistocles was ostrozsized and kicked out; he wounded from state to state and died in Persia in exile 
  • They wanted to find a new leader, PERICLES 
  • He was the leader of Athens and was going to change everything forever!
  • He was born into a one of Athens most elite family
  • He knew what the people wanted; a city to fit a great empire
  • Pericles announced a new idea to the people; 
  • He wanted to make the best empire; he wanted to make Athens awesome
  • He wanted the best art, everything; they had the money to do everything
  • 20 years earlier they had defeated the Persians
  • Pericles made a new partenon: gathering place?
  • It was going to be huge, expensive, over 1 billion dollars 
  • It was astonishing with a huge statue of Athena (40 ft. tall, gold, ivory, jewels)
  • Frieze: marble that ran around the inner wall of the temple; 2 inches thick
  • The monument still stands today
  • Pericles divoced his wife an took off with an aspasia 
  • Aspasia: a beautiful foreign born women thats job was an escort
  • She was kind of a prostitute but brilliant
  • They had a place where they had entertainment and did it 2 times a year
  • The Greeks invented Drama 
  • Commedy & Tradjecties  

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