Thursday, May 19, 2011

Woo Wee! Test is over!

Today we had a test in western Civ. Mr.Schick gave us time to study before we took it. I studied with Fiona. I think i did pretty good. There was like 3 I didn't know. Mr.Schick gave us an extra credit. I got it right so I am happy! There was about 26 questions one the test. He said instead of an essay on the test we have to write one that's 500 words. It is going to be on the difference between a Republic vs. Empire. We have been learning about both so this shouldn't be to too hard. The paper is going to be worth 100pts. On Monday we need to have a rough draft ready. People are going to proofread it. Then on Wednesday we will have to turn the final copy in.

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