Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some Presentations

Today in class we went over our presentations. Mr. Schick said we were having a quiz tomorrow. I'm nervous for it.
Clark & Billy: Paragraph 2

  • had 3 diff governments in one: democracy, aristocracy, monarchy
  • didn't have a tyrant
  • Patricians: best treated; upper class; noble and wealthy land owns
  • Plebeians: lower class; Plebs; tradesmen; poor people
  • Legion
Sarah, Emma, Cole: Paragraph 3
  • Latifundia
  • Hannibal destroyed farms, homes, villages
  • They sold there land to the wealthy and moved to Rome
  • Tiberius & Gaius: Plebeians founding fathers in 
  • attempted to pass land reform legislation
  • Both assassinated  
  • Tiberius: a Tribune. they feel they said give the rich part of the latifunda and take they rest for the others and have them farm it. 
  • Gaius: tribunes (Both). Tried to get people their land back
  • Plebeians were for it & Patricians weren't
  • Patricians spread rumors about the brothers so their support was weakened and then they killed him. 
Taylor & Kamau: Paragraph 4
  • Julius Caesar dictator of Rome
  • Triumphate: group of three (Crassus (the rich), Pompey, Caesar) Tried to get power of all Rome
  • Crassus was recruited by Caesar: he was a politician, wealthiest men in history. Killed while conquering gaul
  • Pompey: military leader, became an enemy of Julius, Julius' father in law
Caitlin & Gracie: Paragraph 5 ALSO CATHERINE & I
  • Julius Caesar: Roman dictator
  • Senate was worried that he would become to powerful
  • Stabbed to death
  • Butus and Cassius main leaders in death
  • Killed in Theatre of Pompey
Fiona & Katie: Paragraph 6
  • Octavian: Caesar's nephew and adopted son
  • second triumvirate
  • teamed up with Lepidia & mark Anthony: killed 100 senators and 2,000 businessman 
  • Cicero: senates greatest orator; didn't plot to kill Caesar, but was against his rule
  • Battle of Actim: Octavia & the joined forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatria VII
  • Octavian won and got the title of Augustus
  • Octavian thought Antony was trying to take over with Cleopatra 
Kristy & Andrew: Paragraph 7

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