Friday, May 6, 2011

Quizzes Are No Fun

Today in class we were finishing up some presentations. After getting some information from those presentations we had a quiz. It was kind of hard and kind of easy. Some of the questions took me awhile to answer. I hope I got a good grade on it!

Andrew & Christy: Paragraph 7

  • Pax Roman: 200 years of Peace; time of inprovement 
  • Circus Maximus: oldest and largest circus in Rome; oval shape; entertainment place-chariot races
  • Chariot Racing was the most entertaining and favorite- win prize money

Clake: Paragraph 1

  • Etruscans: Mystery Language; literacy was rich and widespread; built cities
  • Tiber River: 3 largest river; named after King
  • Tarquin the Proud: last King of Rome
  • He died in exile at Cume
  • The people of Rome overthrow him 

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