Friday, June 3, 2011


Today in class we were having our PARTY! I was really tired though. I stayed up late last night. I just want to get through this day. I'll liven up soon though. Mr.Schick gave us our quizzes back from yesterday. He put them in power school as well. Taylor also brought in some cupcakes. Too bad Kamau and Billy and Catherine weren't here. The cupcakes were sooooo yuummy! I didn't want to eat it because I have been eating way to much! I think they were home made cupcakes so it made them even better. After she passed out the cupcakes, we went over our quizzes. We went around the room to give our answers. It was a fun class! We need to start studying for the exam now. Time to STUDY! :D We had some extra time after class. We watch some super funny videos! I'll miss this class!

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