Monday, January 24, 2011

"Guns, Germs, and Steel"

  Today in class we began to watch a movie to start off our new semester. Our world today has become so unequal. Professor Jared Diamond is on a quest to answer why it's become so unequal. Papua New Guinea is where he starts his journey. His passion is the study of birds and studies them along his journey. He is curious about the people in New Guinea as well. They help him learn about the birds and the culture there. He wouldn't be able to make it there without the help from the Guineans. A man he met on the beach about 30 years ago asked "why do the white men have so much cargo (materials) and the Guinea's have so little" ? He couldn't answer this question. The men there are very smart and good at what they do. The point so far is, it shouldn't matter what race you are. The men there knew how to make their own shelter and hunt for their own food. They are independent. They are living like the stone age or 40,000 years ago. They don't know how to log onto computers, but it doesn't make them dumb or any lower than we are. It's not fair that the people there are working had to survive. The people here have a much easier life style. Yes, there are poor people here, but a majority doesn't have to go out in the woods and build a home. The men and women of Papua New Guinea live a hard life.

- I have basic necessities
- My classmates
Have Not's:
- Poor Indian's in Shanty Towns
- Homeless people in the World
- North Koreans Without Opportunities
- Starving African's

1 comment:

  1. "It's not fair..." - good point, Alyssa! We should talk more about the justice - or injustice - that is involved here.
