Monday, June 6, 2011

Examm Time!

Today was our last class together. Christy brought in some food! It was so yummy! She had apple juice and Chrispy Cream Donuts! They were the best ever! Mr.Schick said that he still has to grade our final papers. He gave back some of our papers. He said this has been one of the best years he had ever had. He said it was somewhat thanks to this class. He was so happy. We were pretty much DA BEST CLASS EVA! It was just a great class and year. I loved to come to this class. It was so fun. I knew I would always have a laugh whenever I came to this class. He said we have one of the best classes. He will be sad when we graduate. The down part of the year was seeing his daughter so sick. He was just scared and he was also really sick. He was glad we were patient with him. We just had a relaxing class! We ate our donuts and played around! It was great!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Today in class we were having our PARTY! I was really tired though. I stayed up late last night. I just want to get through this day. I'll liven up soon though. Mr.Schick gave us our quizzes back from yesterday. He put them in power school as well. Taylor also brought in some cupcakes. Too bad Kamau and Billy and Catherine weren't here. The cupcakes were sooooo yuummy! I didn't want to eat it because I have been eating way to much! I think they were home made cupcakes so it made them even better. After she passed out the cupcakes, we went over our quizzes. We went around the room to give our answers. It was a fun class! We need to start studying for the exam now. Time to STUDY! :D We had some extra time after class. We watch some super funny videos! I'll miss this class!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today in class we had our quiz. I THINK I DID HORRIBLE! It was short, but I didn't really get to study. I had so much to study last night. I was so busy. If only I read the paper. I'm so upset. Well, I just got my paper and I got a 90%. I'm kind of upset. I wish I did better. It was only 20 questions plus an extra credit question. I hope my grade doesn't go down to far. Now I have to start studying for the exam. Hopefully I'll do well on that and it won't drop my grade. He still has to put in our essays, participation, and blogs. ALMOST THERE! :D

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today in class we went over when our exam is. Mr. Schick showed us how to find our grade. Our exam is the first one. Mr. Schick is so funny. He kept doing this scary laugh. After we talked for a little we went over our worksheet. We were beginning to review for our quiz tomorrow. We read over the answers to the paper. Mr. Schick told us how low gas used to be. Then things started to change and get higher and higher. They even had to make laws back in the day. People were panicking. That was inflation. That means all the other products cost more too since the gas goes up. We had a good talk today. We will be taking our quiz tomorrow! It shouldn't be too bad!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Talking With Strong Vocabulary

Today in class we had to finish talking about our paper we got the day before. It was our first class of the day so it was a very long class. Mr. Schick realized that we were all stressing about our vocabulary test today. He gave us some points. He used to be an English teacher. He offered extra credit if you wrote an essay with the words and one of the students wrote the best story. He wishes he would've kept the story. Anyways, during class he would use some of our vocab words in our talk. It actually helped me learn them a lot! I think I did pretty well on the test. Also, we talked a lot about Diocletian who tried several things and failed. We learned that in the end there was a 14 year old emperor. His power was over taken by a barbarian man and the empire came to a close..

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Talking About Back Them...

Today  in class we had a very nice talk.  we didn't even need to takeout ourcomputers. People want to go outside. Others just wanted to goto a nice cold room. I just wanted to  stay where we were.  Anyways, we talked about our reading from last night.  We talked deeply and I liked it.  Mr. Shick brought to my attention some important things.  We got to all talk about how our world could be going down. Things can change. Back in Rome the people wouldn't have thought that  their country would have  so many problems occur.  We don't know  what our future holds.  We don't know what's going to come next.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A++ !

Today in class we had to turn in our papers. I hope that I get a good grade because I worked really hard. Mr.Schick read some of the titles out loud. Some were really funny! After that, we checked our tests. I got a 100 plus 3 points. That took up most of class. For the remainder we had to read and work on our homework. It's another one of those Rome things...YAY.. NOT.
- Define/Identify: 

  • Inflation: An increase in prices
  • Diocletian: a strong-willed army leader and son of a slave, became one of Rome's greatest emperors; With boldness, he tried to restore order in the empire & increase its strength. 
  • Constantine: One of Rome's greatest emperors; he ended the persecution of Christians; won control of eastern & western empires. 
  • Eastern Empire: The more prosperous half of the empire; Byzantium was located in this half. Came to be called the Byzantine empire; included most of the great cities and trade centers of the empire; far wealthier side. 
  • Western Empire: Latin=speaking side and the more rural west. 
  • Constantinople: the city of Constantine; 
  • Huns: a nomadic people from central Asia; they were feared
  • Attila: new leader of the Huns; wanted to conquer the entire empire and failed/withdrew
  • Leo I: First truly powerful pope of Rome; journeyed to Attila's camp causing him to withdraw his forces. 
1) What economic problems did the empire face in the third century? 
- All three of their prosperities dried up. Trade was disrupted by barbarian raids and by bands of pirates on Mediterranean sea lanes. Rome's gold and silver were drained away to buy luxuries from China, India, and Arabia. They couldn't pay their expenses; coins lost 98% silver and prices were sky high.

2) By the third century, how had Rome's army changed since the days of the republic? 
- Soldiers now fought strictly for money, not for patriotism. To attract recruits into the army, government promised higher pay. Empires began to recruit barbarians who accepted lower pay but not loyal. 

3) (a)What important religious change did Constantine bring about in the empire?
- AD 313, he announced an end to the persecution of Christians. He granted "both to the Christians and to all men freedom to follow the religion that they choose." Christianity become a religion approved by emperor because of Milan. 
(b) What political change did he bring about?
Constantine won control of the eastern as well as the western empire. In AD 330, he took the momentous step of moving the capital from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium (Constantinople) in what is now Turkey.

4) (a) Why did Germanic tribes invade the empire in the 400's? 
  They were fleeing the Huns; the Huns kept pushing westward and they felt they needed to move westward as well. 
(b) Why was the empire unable to drive the invaders out?
They couldn't get a strong enough army. They couldn't muster even a medium-sized army to stop the barbarians. 

5) (a) List three reasons why Diocletian should be considered a successful empire. 
1. He restored order in the empire & increased its strength
2. Ranked among the greatest emperors.  
3. Divided the empire 
(b) List three reasons why he might be considered a failure
1. Not all the reforms were totally successful. 
2.  Wages for new troops added to the already high taxes
3. Price controls failed